Altar servers assist the priest during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Being an altar server is a great opportunity for Catholic boys and girls in our grouping to serve God and His Church.
From the early church to the present time, whenever the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered, there was someone to assist the priest, to prepare the altar, light the candles, make the responses, hold the book, present the water and wine, wash the priest's fingers and put everything away after Mass.
Interested youth can begin serving in fourth grade and may continue into their high school years.
New altar servers will be trained and when their training is complete, each new server will be paired with an experienced server initially to help them become comfortable with their duties. For information about becoming an altar server or to learn about becoming an MC for the liturgy (which requires engaging in more preparation, being at least high school age, and taking on a bigger responsibility in the liturgy), please contact Deacon Tim Killmeyer.
Those in grades 4-12 who wish to become Altar Serves must attend one (1) of the two (2) training sessions listed below. Both will take place at Holy Trinity Church.
Saturday, September 14
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday, September 17
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
There will be a pizza break halfway through the session. For more information or to register for training, please contact
Jim Schweinberg at 412-787-2140, x114, or [email protected]