AGP strives to meet the goals promulgated by the Second Vatican Council concerning the vital role of liturgical music. As described by the Council’s Constitution on Sacred Liturgy, Sancrosanctum Concilium, the musical tradition of the Church is a treasure valued higher than that of any other art and forms a necessary part of the liturgy. Music has a ministerial function in service to Jesus Christ; music therefore increases in holiness and solemnity the more closely aligned it is to the liturgical actions we see.
In this respect, sacred choral and vocal music receives pride of place but must meet various criteria. They must communicate the Word of God drawn primarily from Scripture but also from officially approved texts by the Holy See and the USCCB. Choral and vocal music also must teach orthodox theology of the Church. Finally, the music must be composed with, according to Sancrosanctum Concilium, a noble simplicity.
Having met these requirements, sacred choral and vocal music also should foster participation of the faithful through two equally important means: Singing and interiority. Singing occurs in two ways. First, the faithful sings at Mass through hymns, which are designed to accompany the Mass. Second, and most importantly, the faithful sings the Mass through acclamations, responses, Psalms, the Mass Ordinaries, and antiphons. With regard to interiority, active participation occurs through active listening and contemplation as the faithful can see the liturgy unfold as they also listen to choral or instrumental music. Each mode - singing and interiority - is equally important to foster the participation of the faithful during Mass.
Above all else, Sancrosanctum Concilium reinforces what the Church always has taught regarding the purpose of sacred music: The glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful. Therefore, members of the AGP music ministry give their best efforts to achieve the beauty, dignity, and solemnity demanded by the liturgy.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir sings at the Holy Trinity 10:00 AM Mass from September through June and rehearses Thursday nights 7–9pm, as well as before Mass in the sanctuary. While we welcome singers of all ages and particularly need the support of male voices. The ability to read music and experience singing in choirs is preferred but not required. When programming choir motets and anthems, Dr. Rone provides recordings of pieces, as well as of all voice parts to facilitate the learning and fluency of the choir.
What is required? The desire to fulfill an integral ministry. A willing, flexible attitude. An open mind. Discipline. Commitment. Dedication. The ability to laugh (at yourself and your director at times!). Most of all, good choir members constantly seek to improve the quality of the whole and use their gifts ad majorem Dei gloriam – for the greater glory of God.
Leaders of song provide leadership and foster the singing of the congregations of all three church sites. The ability to read music and singing experience is strongly preferred but not necessary to the ministry of cantors. Just as lectors and clergy must be able to read in order to proclaim the Word of God, so too must cantors possess the technical ability to sing in their leadership roles. Nevertheless, Dr. Rone will assess those interested in cantoring on a case-by-case basis. Rehearsals are available as necessary, and cantors rotate through the Mass schedule based on their availability.
Instrumental music can enhance the beauty of liturgical music, and AGP seeks to expand the variety of its musical offerings in this capacity. If you are proficient at an instrument and would like to enhance the Mass periodically, then please contact Dr. Rone.
May 19, 2024, Bulletin
Some months ago, some members of the parish staff and I had decided to minimize the music at the 6:00 PM Mass at St. Mary, Help of Christians Church for two reasons. The first was in preparation for the sensory-friendly Mass, which, at that point, was rotating among the campuses. The second was to accommodate those parishioners who expressed a desire in the 2021–22 AGP Music Survey to have a quiet—traditionally named “Low”—Mass. This term denotes Mass without music or very minimal music in the form of congregational responses (Alleluia and Amen, for instance) without musical instruments, cantors, hymn singing, and so forth. More recently, parishioners reinforced the desire for a weekend Mass without music in their feedback about the sensory-friendly Masses.
AGP offers eight Masses per weekend, one of which is a Choir Mass rotating among the 8:00, 10:00, and 11:00 AM Sunday Masses. The other seven Masses have an organist and cantor. AGP consequently has the number of Masses, the means, and the desire among parishioners, to implement a quiet Mass as a permanent fixture. Fr. Alan and I therefore have decided to make the 6:00 PM Saturday Mass AGP’s weekend quiet or Low Mass. This change will begin June 8, 2024, the weekend after the observation of Corpus Christi and the beginning of Ordinary Time. We appreciate your feedback over the years, and may God bless you with a restful, rejuvenating summer.
As is the practice of the AGP Music Ministry, some acclamations and responses change on a yearly basis. One of them includes the Gospel Acclamation, so during Ordinary Time for Year A we will use "Alleluia 7" composed by Jacques Berthier, found in the Worship IV hymnal, No. 330. Please click on the YouTube video below to listen.